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Some say carnations get their name from "coronation," which makes sense as anyone looks regal with carnations. Our carnation bouquets help you express love, luck, and so much more.

All Carnations

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Bouquet of Orange Tulips with Pink and White Carnations
Vase Arrangement of Pink Carnation and Hydrangea with box of chocolate
Brassica Flowers With  Pink and white Carnation ,Orange Roses and fillers In Vase
Arrangement of Orange and Pink Carnation with filler in Glass Vase

Arrangement of White roses and pink carnation in glass vase
Arrangement of soft pink and Purple roses with mixed carnatin and green puma in basket
Arrangement of pink lily and carnation, red rose and yellow gerbera with filler in vase
15 red roses with pink carnation handbouquet

Arrangement of pink rose, white lily, white carnation and white snap dragon in vase
Soft pink roses and pink carnation with purple flower and leave in glass vase
Soft and Deep Pink Roses, Pink carnation with lilies and Filler in Vase
12 Pink Roses, Carnations and fillers in a Vase

Roses, Chrysanthemums, Carnations in Basket
Pink Roses, Pink Carnations, red gerberas, baby Breath and Filler in Ceramic vase
Arrangement of Red and white roses, with Pink Carnation and Fillers in White Ceramic Vase
Pink Gerberas With White Carnations, And Other Flowers Table Arrangement

12 Pink Carnations with Fillers in a Basket
Arrangement of Orange Carnations with White Rose in basket
Pink Carnations in Vase
11 Red Carnations in Vase

Pink Carnations in Vase
Mixed Carnation Bouquet
Red Carnations With Eustomas in a Basket
Mixed Carnations with White Chrysanthemum & Greens

6 Pink Roses and pink carnation in a Vase
 Pink Carnations With filler in Hand Bouquet.
Bouquet of 12 Red Carnations
Bouquet of Pink Carnations

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  Customer praise
Boon  from Spain
Dear YaoflowersJust one word that I can say for your service is Wonderful!!!. You help me to make everything easy. 
Robyn  from Canada
I am just writing to say thank you for the wonderful service you provided. My girlfriend and I live so far apart, and its amazing that I was able to send her flowers for her birthday. She was overjoyed. Thank you very much and I wish you good fortune in&n...
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